
Tiber Football Centre

Thank you for signing up to the Title9USA event on the April 12th, we look forward to meeting you. Presentation will be 5:30-6:30pm and the trial will be 6:30-7:30pm.

April 12, 2025

5:30 pm

7:30 pm

Student athletes will warm up together and then split up into teams for the games.
You are required to attend with a parent/guardian as it is important that they hear all the information given. They are also welcome to watch the session afterwards.


Tiber Football Centre
Tagus St, Toxteth
Liverpool, L8 0TP

View in Google Map

Our aim is to educate student athletes and their families on the process as well as determine whether they are at the right level to play soccer at a college/university in the USA.
The trial accommodates boys and girls aged 14-18 years who are interested in learning more about the opportunities on playing and studying abroad.
This event is totally free to attend and we will be happy to stay behind after the event for any questions that may not have been answered but we will also give you our contact information as well, so you can reach out at any time to get more information or ask more questions if you have any.
What to bring:
  • Molded studs
  • Water bottle
  • Warm clothes
If you are not able to attend this trial but still have interest in attending an event, please drop me a email so that I can share details with you about our other trails this year.

Sign up to TitleIXUSA's Soccer Trial Event

    Parent/guardianA Student-athlete


    Title IX USA Consultancy

    Title IX USA specialises in identifying and assisting young, talented athletes to pursue sports scholarships in the USA. A sports scholarship allows you to play full time sport whilst earning a degree at an American University.


    Copyright © 2021 Atleta Consultancy Ltd trading as Title IX USA

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